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Reviews You Can Trust

TheAnswerPage -CME/CE
"TheAnswerPage is the resource that I recommend for accredited education on the endocannabinoid system, medical cannabis, opioid prescribing, and pain medicine."
- R. Mechoulam, PhD
Hippo Emergency Medicine
"This is an outstanding resource for recertification. I’ve been out for 10 years now and in watching all of their materials I was profoundly successful in my recertification the times despite having to concurrently reserved in internal medicine. I would highly recommend their resource."
- C. Tyo, MD
Rebel EM
"Use this site weekly for setting up resident journal clubs for their review of recent literature. Great overview and dissection if literature!"
- J. Hilton, MD

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MedForums video Play video How MedForums works PT2M26S 2018-21-31T08:00:00+08:00 Introducing MedForums, the only site that provides instant access to peer-reviewed medical education resources. MedForums helps physicians, residents, med students, physician assistants and nurses find CME, USMLE, blogs, mobile apps, STEP, board review, and rotation resources.