Pedi QuickCalc
Pedi QuikCalc is the fastest, most up-to-date medical calculator for pediatrics! * LISTED #1 in Contemporary Pediatrics review "Top 10 apps for pediatrics" (Feb 2017) * RANKED #3 in the ...
Pedi QuikCalc is the fastest, most up-to-date medical calculator for pediatrics!
* LISTED #1 in Contemporary Pediatrics review "Top 10 apps for pediatrics" (Feb 2017)
* RANKED #3 in the Pediatric Annals review "10 Useful Apps for Everyday Pediatric Use" (May 2012)
* RATED 4.5/5 stars by iMedicalApps "a must-have for anyone who sees children in their practice." (Sep 2012)
* "Updated PediQuikCalc app is a great tool for Pediatricians" iMedicalApps (Jul 2014)
* "Top 10 Family Medicine Apps" iMedicalApps (Dec 2014)
* "Very Useful Outpatient Pediatric Tool" PedsApps (Mar 2013)
Pedi QuikCalc gives you instant access to weight-based drug dosing, IV fluid rates, and weight conversions. Pedi QuikCalc contains only the information you actually need every day, so you can find it fast. I can’t tell you the last time I needed to calculate the A-a gradient! Additional calculators like an Estimator for weight- and length-for-age, Growth Charts, Weight vs Gestational Age, Bilirubin evaluation, BMI-for-age, Blood Pressure Percentile, Adjusted Mid-Parental Height, and a flexible Dosage Calculator expand on these core functions.
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