Concentrated Insulins in Overcoming Insulin Resistance and Improving Adherence
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION During this Medical Crossfire, expert faculty will engage in a multidisciplinary roundtable discussion that includes an endocrinologist, a certified diabetes educator, an endocrinology NP and a patient to ...
During this Medical Crossfire, expert faculty will engage in a multidisciplinary roundtable discussion that includes an endocrinologist, a certified diabetes educator, an endocrinology NP and a patient to discuss how to best optimize and individualize insulin therapy. In patients with insulin-resistant diabetes who have requirements of more than 200 units/day or 100 units/injection, novel concentrated insulins provide the same or better glucose control compared to older insulins, with fewer daily injections and reduced injection volume. However, safe use requires an experienced physician, a motivated and cooperative patient, and a dynamic diabetes management team. This program will provide practical strategies that can be implemented to improve quality of care with a focus on how an interdisciplinary team can help support the patient.
After completing this activity, clinicians should be better able to:IDENTIFY patients with T2DM who may benefit from the addition of insulin to their management strategyLIST patient/practitioner barriers toward insulin that impact patient adherenceARTICULATE the role of diabetes team members in implementing DMSE/S algorithm of careEVALUATE the pharmacologic features of concentrated insulin formulationsPROPOSE an individualized treatment strategy utilizing a collaborative team-based approach to patient care that safely appropriately and effectively transition patients to concentrated insulin
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