Let`s Get Real About PrEP
PROGRAM DESCRIPTION This activity is designed for clinicians who currently do not provide HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) services and those who would like to improve their knowledge and confidence in ...
This activity is designed for clinicians who currently do not provide HIV PrEP (pre-exposure prophylaxis) services and those who would like to improve their knowledge and confidence in doing so. The program focuses on both the evidence-based clinical aspects of HIV PrEP and how to manage practical day-to-day issues such as identifying appropriate candidates, discussing HIV risk factors, and providing appropriate ongoing care for patients on PrEP. The activity includes a self-paced online multimedia activity and a live Office Hours session in which our expert faculty will answer your questions.
After completing this activity, the participant will demonstrate the ability to:Identify environmental and other patient factors that increase an individual's risk of HIV acquisitionExplain what clinical trials have shown about PrEP's effectiveness and safety in HIV preventionIdentify requirements to prescribe and monitor PrEP based on CDC guidelines
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