Mastery Workshop: Laceration Repair
3 CME credits for $150 (Includes a $50 gift card that can be used for suture kit/silicone model). Perfect for New Urgent Care Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner or Doctor. Also ...
3 CME credits for $150 (Includes a $50 gift card that can be used for suture kit/silicone model). Perfect for New Urgent Care Physician Assistant, Nurse Practitioner or Doctor. Also a Great Refresher for the Seasoned Clinicians who haven't sutured in a while. Order Now!
Learn from our Emergency Medicine expert on the various suturing methods in our step by step video tutorial. Learn how to properly repair lacerations using traditional simple interrupted technique, horizontal mattress, vertical mattress, continuous running stitch, subcuticular stitch, cornered buried and deep buried stitch.
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