Acute Care Surgery
Topics covered by Acute Care Surgery include: Antibiotics for Appendicitis, Intraabdominal Infection, Acute Diverticulitis, ECMO, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, PICS in ICU Survivors, Delirium, Complex Pelvic Fracture, Blunt Aortic Injury and ...
Topics covered by Acute Care Surgery include: Antibiotics for Appendicitis, Intraabdominal Infection, Acute Diverticulitis, ECMO, Abdominal Compartment Syndrome, PICS in ICU Survivors, Delirium, Complex Pelvic Fracture, Blunt Aortic Injury and many others.After viewing Acute Care Surgery, you should be able to: • Define best practices for clostridium difficile infection • Identify when a pelvic fracture can be life threatening • Recognize patients that might benefit from ECMO • List appropriate patients for medical management of appendicitis • Recognize the difference between uncomplicated and complicated appendicitis • Explain how endovascular repair of aortic injuries reduces morbidity and mortality • Describe a patient who needs operative therapy for diverticulitisTarget Audience: Physicians focused on the acutely ill surgical patient. The course provides in-depth information on emergency general surgery, surgical critical care and trauma care.
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