Fireside Chat: "Rural medicine reminds physicians of their value."
The fireside chat will explore what it’s like to serve patients in the middle of nowhere America and why they believe it is an incredibly rewarding way to practice emergency ...
The fireside chat will explore what it’s like to serve patients in the middle of nowhere America and why they believe it is an incredibly rewarding way to practice emergency medicine.
Here are some of the topics that will be covered:
• Defining rural care. What are the truths and fallacies?
• What to expect from rural medicine.
• Different practice opportunities you can find from super small ERs to large community hospitals.
• Challenges and struggles of a suburban ER
Dr. Edwin Leap is a highly trained emergency physician with 24 years of experience after residency. He is also an excellent communicator and a successful columnist, writing about everything from medicine to family, faith to culture and everything in between. Dr. Leap have no plans to stop practicing, but would love to enhance his reach as a writer and match his skills as a physician with his well-honed skills as a columnist.
Dr. Hamad Husainy trained at the University of Mississippi Medical Center located in Jackson, MS. During training, he became increasingly aware of the drastic and growing need of emergency physicians across the United States. He works administratively as a medical director while clinically serving patients in Northwest Alabama. As CMO, Dr. Husainy helps physicians and our facility partners improve outcomes and key metrics.
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